What should I expect on a Sunday?
“Church” can mean different things to different people. For some, a church is merely a building. To others, a church is a place to go out of duty and obligation; hoping that salvation can be earned by good works and regular attendance. To many people’s surprise, the Bible does not teach that a religion (or going to church) gets a person to Heaven. Eternal salvation is NOT about what we can do for God, it rests upon what He has done for us! This is not a “religion,” but a relationship. The Bible tells us that the local church consists of people (Christians, not buildings) who regularly assemble together for corporate worship, encouragement, praise, and instruction from God’s Word, the Bible. The purpose of these activities is to glorify God. This is the goal of every ministry at CBC Beardmore.
When you visit CBC, Expect a warm greeting and a relaxed, encouraging atmosphere! Expect to simply be yourself. Expect a diversity of people from everyday walks of life. Some may wear ties, others will be in jeans. Everyone is welcome… no one is judged. Expect God honouring music and expository, practical, verse by verse Bible teaching. Expect to make friends – and to be a friend. Expect God to change your life – come to worship, learn and fellowship… leave to serve!
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